Sunday, October 25, 2009

2009 Leukemia Cup on S&S 58' "Windlier"

The crew of Windalier raced the old girl from Baltimore Light to Ft. McHenry on October 24th,for the second time participating in a worthy fundraiser. We had twenty five knots sustained at the start from the SSW and rollers up the Bay with a flood tide. A large part of the fleet was having control problems but owner Thad Bench kept Windalier nicely on her feet with a big A-Sail flown from the headstay. Thad was assisted on mainsail trim by John Shannahan of Oxford Yacht agency. John is fresh from a two year Shields One-Desigh program and brought us some new insight as to sailing an Olin Stephens design from 1962!

The photos attached were taken from the transom of Windalier just prior to the finish line. The monster "A"-sail belongs to "Escape Plan" the 38 Ericson (currently listed with Crusader) belonging to Ted& Carla Reshetlioff of Annapolis. They sailed beautifully in the big breeze!

Also attached is a picture of the very comfortable and "like new" Eastbay 43 that served as Windalier's tender for the weekend.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Bruckman Yachts 50' Motorsailor

Nancy Cann, principle of Crusader has arrived at an agreement with custom yacht builder Mark Bruckman to represent his line of custom yachts! We will be concentrating on a 50 footer (there is currently one under build) that was designed by Mark Ellis.

This is a boat that sails well, has good visiblitiy from both helms, and has remarkable cruising range when factoring in the John Deere 150hp auxillary diesel.

Nancy and husband Craig visited the Bruckman 50 at the Newport Boat Show and were "wowed" by the design, fit, and finnish. Craig spent some time in the engine "hole" and was plesantly surprised by the acsess to vital systems...

Current owners of these boats come from the ranks of sailor's experienced in sailing boats like the J46 and Mason44; crusing boats that sail well! The BRuckman 50 is a great boat to consider for the couple looking for more creature comforts without crossing over to the "dark side"!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Annapolis Sailboat Show 2009

Great weather and a more upbeat vibe was prevelant at the Annapolis Sailboat Show this Fall. In contrast to 12 months ago when the Dow was in a free fall with no bottom in sight, there were lot's of sailor's visiting our brokerage booth in tent "C" to discuss future plans and to enjoy a slide show of our current offerings.
Thanks to all who stopped by!