Nancy Cann, principle of Crusader has arrived at an agreement with custom yacht builder Mark Bruckman to represent his line of custom yachts! We will be concentrating on a 50 footer (there is currently one under build) that was designed by Mark Ellis.
This is a boat that sails well, has good visiblitiy from both helms, and has remarkable cruising range when factoring in the John Deere 150hp auxillary diesel.
Nancy and husband Craig visited the Bruckman 50 at the Newport Boat Show and were "wowed" by the design, fit, and finnish. Craig spent some time in the engine "hole" and was plesantly surprised by the acsess to vital systems...
Current owners of these boats come from the ranks of sailor's experienced in sailing boats like the J46 and Mason44; crusing boats that sail well! The BRuckman 50 is a great boat to consider for the couple looking for more creature comforts without crossing over to the "dark side"!